Meet Susanne, German teacher from Germany!

"Hallo an alle!" Hello everyone. My name is Susanne and I come originally from Northern Germany. I was born on an island called Westerland/Sylt. Maybe you are surprised about this, but yes, Germany also has some beautiful islands. The island I was born on is not very big, but it has some gorgeous sites and views. I can highly recommend you to one day take a trip to Northern Germany and take a train or a ferry ride to the island. There are a lot of things to do, such as, to walk along the promenade, take a seat at the beach on one of the traditional German sun chairs, listen to the daily life music right at the beach front, enjoy the view from the dunes and savor the delicious Northern cuisine.

If you ever have the chance to make a trip out there, participate in one of the "Wattwanderungen", which basically are hikes along the ocean ground during the low tights of the sea. They are a lot of fun and you will be able to walk for miles on the ocean ground, where usually there would be water. But careful, take an experienced guide with you so you won't be surprised when the water is rising again. During the summertime you will meet people from all over on the island, but during the winter season you will mostly see locals on the island, which gives it a very personal flair.

The island is not very big and for that reason, when I was young we moved to central Germany, literally right in the center of Germany, around ninety minutes from Frankfurt. There I lived most part of my childhood and my teenage years. I went to school there, studied and graduated university there. Now, the area where I grew up is exactly the way you would imagine a typical, traditional German town. One of those, that you will find on a postcard or a picture. It was one of these small traditional German towns with the historical architecture surrounded by those green fields, meadows and woods. That's where I grew up. It's absolutely worth it to make a trip through those historical towns. Maybe they are not as popular as the metropolitan cities, but if you would like to have a real, typical German experience, then you shouldn't miss a drive through those towns. I would consider that like the secret places of Germany, the cities with the copper stone streets, the monuments, the little stores in historical buildings, the castles and the cathedrals and of course the endless lakes, mountains, fields and woods. Yes, of course there are the famous German sites like: "das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin" (The Gate of Brandenburg in Berlin) or " Schloss Neuschwanstein" (Castle Neuschwanstein), but there is something special about those unique small villages. While you are reading this you will probably think if I love to travel and yes, I absolutely do. That's one of my favorite things to do, if I have a couple of days off. Hit the road, get on a plane or even jump on a train or a bike and escape to unknown places. I very much enjoy it to get to know different countries or cities, their culture, the people and also the different types of foods.

My favorite foods are fruits, vegetables and mostly organic products. So a place, where you can get a variety of those is a huge plus for me. Germany is rich of like the autumn fruits and vegetables and I really enjoy those. If you like fruits or vegetables I would recommend you to try some "Rotkohl" (prepared red cabbage) or some "Zwetschen" (german plums). I know that a lot of people think about Germany and immediately think about the "Goulash", "Schmorbraten", or "Bratwurst", which are all typical German foods, but I don't like meat, so I fancy more the foods fresh from the garden and Germany is rich of those as well.

Currently I live in Monterrey, Mexico, which is a metropolitan city bordering the US. The city life is very fast pace, your are always on the go, people from many countries reside here and you will always meet new people and there is constantly something to do. The city is surrounded by mountains and you cannot see the entire city from any point, well, unless your are flying over the city. :-) In my free time I like to meet my friends, have some down time with a good book or movie or simply relax, but also I love to do different types of sports. Something I do here frequently is to go hiking. You will find me very often climbing those mountains and just enjoy nature. I guess, my German side comes out there quiet often. Many people have asked me how I got here and the answer is simple. My family is Mexican and a couple of years ago my Mom needed help, so I decided to move here to help her out. That's where I currently am. I can imagine your faces right now, asking how? Well, thats easy to explain. My parents came to Germany many years ago and adopted me and due to that, I have a close connection to Mexico and to my Mexican family. So yes, I was born and raised in Germany, but after graduating university I moved first to the United States and then to Mexico and that's where I am right now.

Last but not least, you might be asking yourself for how long I have been teaching. I began teaching when I was still a teenager and where I mostly volunteered in different types of classes, but professionally, with my teaching degree, I have been teaching since 2004 in Germany, the United States, Mexico as well as online and that in a variety of different schools, companies and I have had and I still have students from all ages.

This is a little bit about me, but what about you? Maybe we can meet one day. I would love to get to know you as well and maybe you have an interest in it learning the German language and it would be my pleasure beginning or advancing this adventure with you. I hope to meet you soon. "Auf Wiedersehen"…. "Bis bald…" See you soon!!!