New navigation bar! Last week we updated the design of the navigation bar you see when you're logged in. It should be snappier, and hopefully you like the look 🙂 > The
New Help Center! This past month we added a number of new features for your teacher; we know you don't see these directly, but they definitely help your teacher more easily,
New feature - add lessons to your personal calendar! This has been a highly requested feature, unfortunately the software for it is quite a bit more involved than it may seem at face value. > The image above is
Travel Street food in Beijing can get spicy! Welcome to our very first travel blog post! We're going to aim to highlight amazing culture experiences from around the world that everyday news often overlook. > The
Big updates to scheduling, settings, and more! We've been hard at work for more than a month to bring you some updates that we hope will make your experience learning a language with us even
Languages How long does it take to learn a language? The most common question we receive from students is "how long will it take for me to reach level X in language Y?" > The image above is